Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What gives animals the right to be treated as equally as human beings are, when they arent able to do half the things humans are capable of doing? Most will agree with the opinions that animals should not have as many rights as humans, while others may feel that since animals are living creatures and are some way connected to human beings, they should be treated just as fairly as we are. 
I believe that animals should not have as many rights. Edwin A. Locke who wrote an article for the InterlectualConservitive.com named "Animal "Rights" Versus Human Rights believes that animals should not have as many rights as humans because for one, they survive through sensory- perceptual association and the pleasure-pain mechanism which cannot reason. Unlike human beings who are survive on rational thoughts. According to many individuals it is said to be believed that animals are looked upon as property which may be the reason why people do not see why animals should have the same rights as human beings. There are many things that animals are not able to do which makes it difficult to give an animal the same rights as human beings because they cannot show emotion or any kind of feeling to express how they are feeling. No one is able to completely understand animals but at the same time we use animals as a way of survival. If it weren't for the body of animals many humans wouldn't be able to survive. We use them in our everyday lives and if they had equal rights as humans there would be much chaos within our food chain and people would be put in much desperate positions.

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